Registration Form

Child's Details

(we require a copy please)

(broad ethnic group, not place of birth)

Ongoing Booking Pattern

**our term time only booking pattern can differ between Suffolk County Council Term Dates – please see our website for our term dates

Your Details

"Parental Responsibility" is defined by The Children’s Act 1989 as "all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property". Unmarried fathers, step-parents or grandparents do not automatically have "Parental Responsibility". If you are unsure, please talk to your Nursery Manager before signing.

Parents / Guardians Details

We must hold the details of all persons who have

  • Parent Responsibility
  • Legal Contact
  • Permission to collect your child, and who
  • May be contacted in an emergency
  • Legal Contact

Parent / Guardian (1)

Parent / Guardian (2)

Other Contacts

Authorised To Collect

Any persons who have your permission to collect your child regularly


Medical Details

Are there any other services involved with your child or family?

Paediatrics / Medical
Social Services
Speech & Language
CAF Team
Family Support Worker

Special Consents

Ongoing Booking Pattern

When would you like your child to attend (subject to availability)?

Your booking is confirmed only when your nursery manager has received your signed Parent Agreement, this form, and confirms the booking

8am - 9am ( 1 Hour )
9am - 1pm ( 4 Hours )
1pm - 5pm ( 4 Hours )
5am - 6pm ( 1 Hour )
Total Weekly Hours

*If your child attends a morning session there is an option to purchase a hot lunch for £2.50 each. Please allow 3 weeks’ notice to order or cancel a hot lunch

*If yes, you must add relevant documents below

We require a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport if eligible for funding

Files must be jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc or docx format and total no more than 10MB

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